Scripture Reading - Psalms 118:24

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. KJV

This verse is prophetic for right now, it has a two-fold application. One meaning is every 24 hour day is a day given to us from the Lord. Therefore as soon as you wake up it is the right time rejoice in Jesus. Some people work during the morning through the afternoon, while others work at night or during the evening hours. However, every person on the face of this earth has to wake-up at some time or another. The right way to start out your day (or evening) with power is to tap into the power of praise. Yes, rejoicing in Christ Jesus first, sets the tone of the whole day. Have you ever noticed that typically the morning starts out slow trying to make us dread the up coming work for that day. We as Christians are not ignorant of Satan’s devices which means we purpose to praise God and rejoice in His Salvation provided to us no matter what we feel like. In the midst of thoughts of despair or feelings of tiredness we speak (or sing) the praises of God to give ourselves God’s strength. Remember the Joy of the Lord is our strength! We don’t rejoice because of negative things happening in our life, but we do rejoice in the light of Christ Jesus because our Heavenly Father is fully engaged in our life. That brings us to the second meaning of the Lord’s Day which is the Day (age, era, time) of Salvation, the Day of Grace, the day of the preaching in the Name of Jesus with signs and wonders following. The great truth about that revelation for all Christians is that it is an Eternal Day. All those who are Christian’s today we be Christians tomorrow and the next day after tomorrow. When the end of the age comes to the world and the dispensation of Grace is removed from mankind our Eternal Day of being with Christ Jesus will still remain constant. In Jesus we have a day that knows no darkness because it knows no end. This Day of the Lord is our day to rejoice in Him because God gave it to us to last for eternity. Therefore we will rejoice and we will not stop there we will be glad during our worship of God because of what Jesus did for us. Friends let us rejoice and be glad today, tomorrow and forever because the Lord’s Day is our day too. Amen!